Any ordinary event in your life can be made extraordinary with a Limo rental service in New York. The class, leisure and ease offered by a limo service is one of a kind and thus it has become a preferred mode of transportation for many.
As more and more people are choosing limos for commuting, a wide range of limo service providers have come up in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and other such big cities.
But before hiring a limo model from any reputed New York, Oakland or San Francisco Limousine rental company it is greater to understand about the multiple categories of limos to know accurately which model you desire.
Traditional limousines:
Typically an expansion of a regular four-door sedan, a traditional limo is altered to make it seem more modern and expensive. The wheelbase and frame of the old limousines are increased much longer as compared to sedans in order to offer more legroom to the riders on the forward-facing bench seat, Major amenities incorporate CD/DVD player, refrigerator, TV and bar.
Stretch limousines:
These vast and luxurious limos have all the elements to grasp the attention of the people at one go. With facilities such as TV, CD/DVD player, bar and refrigerator, the stretch limos come with a seating space of up to 15 passengers.
These limos are longer than other types of a limo with seats designed besides the length of the car so that people can sit facing each other. The most attractive stretch limos are Hummer H2, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Volkswagen, Lincoln Navigator, Lexus, Corvettes and Ford Excursion.
Stage limousines:
Provided with the features of a sedan and a bus, a stage limo has a primary interior aisle for passengers to obtain the seating area. The stage limousines were built from sedans such as Chrysler New Yorker, Hummer H2, Cadillac DeVille and from popular station wagons.
Exotic limousines:
These limos are the latest in luxury and can be customized as per the requirements of the riders. Along with fully-loaded bar and disco lights, an exotic limo also adds conveniences such as an operational hot tub, bullet proof glass, and soundproof sliding glass window partition separating the driver
Whether it is a wedding, anniversary, prom or a romantic date or a New York city tour, a limousine can make a whole lot of difference to your day making it an exceptional and enjoyable one.